Action | |
Approval of the previous Minutes | |
1. The minutes were approved of the previous AGM 25 02 2016. | INFO |
Matters arising from the minutes | |
2. No matters were raised other than those in the current agenda | INFO
3. Chairs Report
Tony began his report by reminding all present that Conservation must come before Angling and explained how this featured in the recovery of the pollution incidents on the Glenavy River over the last few years. The club will continue to meet with local MPs to push for change in our legal system in relation to fines. The chair spoke of a club receiving a pay-out of £8,500 and the importance of fines increasing as a deterrent.
LCCC our local council have expressed an interest in supporting further walkways for our community which the Chair and committee have welcomed. The Club will continue to work with the Council in the future to show our support. The Club are planning a series of clean up events for the new season, in particular the club want to target the bottles dumped at the site of the former Kay Foam factory, Glenavy Riverside Trail and St Aidan’s Church grounds and the Youth club. Dates will be forwarded to all willing to help. The Chair was invited to visit Ballymacricket PS to discuss the Angling club and our plans to include the primary school children in a conservation activity with salmon fry in the near future. The Chair thanked the committee for their support and also the Treasurer on obtaining Big Lottery funding for this coming year and for her ongoing support.
All |
4. Treasurers Report | |
The treasurer gave a summary on income generated in the 2016 2017 year with income of £1689 which is made up of membership, grants and fund raising. The expenditure was however higher with a total of £2828 spent showing a net deficit of -£1139. The Accounts drafted by Daly Park will not show a loss as they have our capital income from the fishing stands included and will continue to have for some time. Barbara put the loss of income down to a poor year of membership and to some extent is why we are considering the change in fishing methods to make the club more sustainable. It was recommended that we target £1000 of income on fund raising every year until such times as the club membership increases. Grants in the last year have been cut from 9 to 5months overheads recovery which has raised the club’s expenditure. Cash at bank and in hand £11,259.37 which includes a big lottery grant of £7446 for 2017.
Funding The club were able to avail of £911 instead of £1400 last year in grant funds from DSD small grants. The club have received funds of £7,446 from the Big Lottery for the following activities:
Glenavy River Rescue Project. This will be carried out in 3 stages. Stage 1: 12 conservation team members will be trained for kick sample methods to record findings on 3-4 points on the river. Recordings bi-monthly will be uploaded to DAERA Stage 2: Training will filter down to the Youth Club and a demonstration on the invertebrate in the river and demonstration of how pollution and dumping affects the river. Stage 3: Re-use waste project will follow with the Youth club re-using rubbish taken from the river on the clean-up event incorporating an art project. A large recycling bin will be funded by the project and art equipment and a celebration event and prizes. An outing for the Youth Project participants will hopefully be a sea angling outing in Aug 17. |
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5. 5 Membership fees | |
Membership fees will remain the same with Adult fees £20 and junior £5 per person. Day permits £5
The chair has asked that we waive the joining fee this year to help build up the club membership.
6 Funding | |
Fishing Method Vote:
The Chair had an open discussion with the members in the room around the proposed methods and the reasons why the club committee felt that they had to change our fishing methods to encourage young anglers. The chair spoke of the difficulties experienced angler have fly fishing in some areas on the Glenavy River due to the narrow width of the river and the overhanging branches. A graph was produced showing the drop in membership over the last several years with just 31 adults and 6 new members. This has literally reduced by 50% in the last 5 years.
A vote was called to approve
All Legal methods allowed: Fly worm and spinning. No maggots, casters or sweetcorn Daily Limits: 2 fish – Results 8 out of 11 present said yes. |
7. The Election of officers were as follows:
Officers Election: ( Directors*) A McCormack* Chair and Child Protection Officer B McGeown* Treasurer Peter Robinson Secretary Anthony McAlister *
Committee Dominic Moore Gabriel McGeown Davy Marley Karen Burke Bridget McCabe Christopher Lees – New member was welcomed onto the Committee.
Junior Co-ordinators were co-opted on in their absence: Daryl Mirza Danielle O’Neill
8 Appointment of Accountants | INFO
Daly Park have been appointed Accountants for the Club | |
9 Safeguard | INFO
The Safeguard Policy has been renewed and signed at the AGM | |
10 Any other business | INFO
Mead Sports Insurers for the Club was agreed and cheque signed. UAF cheque signed | |